I have two tables:
create table xyz
(campaign_id varchar(10)
,account_number varchar)
Insert into xyz
values ( 'A', '1'), ('A', '5'), ('A', '7'), ('A', '9'), ('A', '10'),
( 'B', '2'), ('B', '3'),
( 'C', '1'), ('C', '2'), ('C', '3'), ('C', '5'), ('C', '13'), ('C', '15'),
('D', '2'), ('D', '9'), ('D', '10')
create table abc
(account_number varchar)
insert into abc
values ('1'), ('2'), ('3'), ('5')
Now, I want to write a query where all the four account_number 1, 2, 3, 5
are included in a Campaign_id
The answer is C.
[My aim is to find the Campaign Code that includes account_number 1, 2, 3 & 5. This condition is only satisfied by campaign code C.]
I tried using IN
and ALL
, but don't work. Could you please help.
I think what you are after is a inner join. Not sure from your questions which way around you want your data. However this should give you a good clue how to procede and what keywords to lock for in the documentation to go further.
FROM xyz a
INNER JOIN abc b ON b.account_number = a.account_number;
Seems I misunderstood the original question.. sorry. To get what you want you can just do:
SELECT campaign_id
FROM xyz
WHERE account_number IN ('1', '2', '3', '5')
GROUP BY campaign_id
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT account_number) = 4;
This is called relational division if you want to investigate further.