I have a master R markdown document (Rmd) within which I would like to knit
several separate Rnw documents (NO child documents) in one of the chunks. However, when I call knit
on the Rnw document, the contained R code chunks do not seem to be processed, resulting in an error when trying to run texi2pdf
on them.
Illustration of the situation:
Inside master.Rmd:
```{r my_chunk, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, results='asis'}
... some code ...
knit("sub.**Rnw**", output = ..., quiet = TRUE)
... some code ...
Is there some additional configuration required to make this scenario work?
There are a few reasons you can't directly do what you are trying to do (calling knit
from within a knit
That being said, it seems like completely expected behavior.
Something along the lines of
files <- list.files( pattern = "*.Rnw", path = ".")
## [1] "test_extB.Rnw" "test_ext.Rnw"
for( f in files ) {
system( paste0("R -e \"knitr::knit2pdf('", f, "')\"") )
list.files( pattern="*.pdf", path=".")
## [1] "test_extB.pdf" "test_ext.pdf"
or calling Rscript
in a loop should do the trick (based on the info provided), which is essentially what @kohske was expressing in the comments.