We have a lot of our queries timing out / failing with no reasons provided. I've raised a ticket on the official forum: https://code.google.com/p/google-bigquery-tools/issues/detail?id=22 with no response.
The team here is more active than on the official bigquery forum so I am posting it here too.
How are we charged in such situations? Are we paying for queries that timeout/fail with no explanation? I get error on queries saying "Too many concurrent queries" yet the queries run for a few hours. Does bigquery charge for those queries that shouldnt have run in the first place? Our monthly bills are in a few thousands now, but we have no details on the breakdown.
BigQuery does not charge for any job that returns an error. Only jobs that report success (there is an empty statistics.errorResult
field) are candidates for billing. We'll look into the issue you brought up.
If have long-running queries, you also may be better off using batch priority queries, since they will be queued and will not hit the "Too many concurrent queries" errors.