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Implementing an Exponential Moving Average Filter described by a difference equation in CUDA

I'm currently trying to use CUDA to evaluate a difference equation that represents an exponential moving average filter. The filter is described by the following difference equation

y[n] = y[n-1] * beta + alpha * x[n]

where alpha and beta are constants defined as

alpha = (2.0 / (1 + Period))
beta = 1 - alpha 

How can the above difference equation be manipulated to get the system response for this filter? What would be an efficient way to implement this filter on the GPU?

I am working on a GTX 570.


  • I would propose to manipulate the above difference equation as indicated below and then using CUDA Thrust primitives.


    By simple algebra, you can find the following:

    y[1] = beta * y[0] + alpha * x[1]
    y[2] = beta^2 * y[0] + alpha * beta * x[1] + alpha * x[2]
    y[3] = beta^3 * y[0] + alpha * beta^2 * x[1] + alpha * beta * x[2] + alpha * x[3]

    Accordingly, the explicit form is the following:

    y[n] / beta^n = y[0] + alpha * x[1] / beta + alpha * x[2] / beta^2 + ...


    You can implement the above explicit form by the following steps:

    1. Initialize an input sequence d_input to alpha except for d_input[0] = 1.;
    2. Define a vector d_1_over_beta_to_the_n equal to 1, 1/beta, 1/beta^2, 1/beta^3, ...;
    3. Multiply elementwise d_input by d_1_over_beta_to_the_n;
    4. Perform an inclusive_scan to obtain the sequence of the y[n] / beta^n;
    5. Divide the above sequence by 1, 1/beta, 1/beta^2, 1/beta^3, ....


    The above approach can be recommended for Linear Time-Varying (LTV) systems. For Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems, the FFT approach mentioned by Paul can be recommended. I'm providing an example of that approach by using CUDA Thrust and cuFFT in my answer to FIR filter in CUDA.


    #include <thrust/sequence.h>
    #include <thrust/device_vector.h>
    #include <thrust/host_vector.h>
    int main(void)
        int N = 20;
        // --- Filter parameters
        double alpha    = 2.7;
        double beta     = -0.3;
        // --- Defining and initializing the input vector on the device
        thrust::device_vector<double> d_input(N,alpha * 1.);
        d_input[0] = d_input[0]/alpha;
        // --- Defining the output vector on the device
        thrust::device_vector<double> d_output(d_input);
        // --- Defining the {1/beta^n} sequence
        thrust::device_vector<double> d_1_over_beta(N,1./beta);
        thrust::device_vector<double> d_1_over_beta_to_the_n(N,1./beta);
        thrust::device_vector<double> d_n(N);
        thrust::sequence(d_n.begin(), d_n.end());
        thrust::inclusive_scan(d_1_over_beta.begin(), d_1_over_beta.end(), d_1_over_beta_to_the_n.begin(), thrust::multiplies<double>());
        thrust::transform(d_1_over_beta_to_the_n.begin(), d_1_over_beta_to_the_n.end(), d_input.begin(), d_input.begin(), thrust::multiplies<double>());    
        thrust::inclusive_scan(d_input.begin(), d_input.end(), d_output.begin(), thrust::plus<double>());
        thrust::transform(d_output.begin(), d_output.end(), d_1_over_beta_to_the_n.begin(), d_output.begin(), thrust::divides<double>());
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
            double val = d_output[i];
            printf("Device vector element number %i equal to %f\n",i,val);
        // --- Defining and initializing the input vector on the host
        thrust::host_vector<double> h_input(N,1.);
        // --- Defining the output vector on the host
        thrust::host_vector<double> h_output(h_input);
        h_output[0] = h_input[0];
        for(int i=1; i<N; i++)
            h_output[i] = h_input[i] * alpha + beta * h_output[i-1];
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
            double val = h_output[i];
            printf("Host vector element number %i equal to %f\n",i,val);
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
            double val = h_output[i] - d_output[i];
            printf("Difference between host and device vector element number %i equal to %f\n",i,val);