Is it a good idea to override setters and getters of properties in domain class? Assume we have a domain class with name property and capitalizedName where we store clean up name:
class Person {
String name
String capitalizedName
String setName(String name){ = name
this.searchName = name.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "").trim().toUpperCase()
If I override setter and in a unit test try to use dynamic finder:
I got
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property [name] is not a valid property of class [com.test.Person]
But in runtime it works pretty fine.
Can I modify getters and setters of a domain class? What is the best way to achieve behaviour as I described above?
A setter should have a return type of void
void setName(String name){ = name
this.searchName = name.trim().replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "").replaceAll(" +", " ").toUpperCase()