I've an issue with copy command I'm using in my script. The command syntax is correct (to the best of my knowledge) but this command displays the error of "Path not found"; although the path is present, the file is also present. Not sure what the issue is. My command:
if exist D:\CDDATA\LIP\APin.dat* (copy D:\CDDATA\LIP\APin.dat* "D:\CDDATA\LIP\Temp\Apconf.dat") else goto exit12
I tried using xcopy instead but it waits for an input while running:
Does D:\CDDATA\LIP\Temp\Apconf.dat specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)?
Tried to suppress it using /C but won't work. Any suggestions??
Thanks in advance, Adil
Here you go, next time explain your questions better
copy /y D:\CDDATA\LIP\APin.dat D:\CDDATA\LIP\Temp\Apconf.dat