Search code examples

Disable the interactive-search popup of GtkTreeView

Typing Ctrl-F on a GtkTreeView enables a popup where a search-term can be inserted. I want to disable this popup, since I want to use Ctrl-F for another purpose. Also, the amount of data displayed is quite large, so typing something in the popup freezes the whole application for a few seconds.

This does not answer the question, since the docs of gtk_tree_view_set_enable_search() state:

Note that even if this is FALSE, the user can still
initiate a search using the “start-   interactive-search” key binding.

I tried the following without any noticeable effect:

  • gtk_treeview_set_enable_search(false)
  • gtk_treeview_set_search_column(-1)
  • connecting to start-interactive-search and return True for "handled!".

Im using Gtk+-3.12.

Any hint?


  • Solved it.

    Either use gtk_binding_entry_remove() to unbind Ctrl-F on the TreeView, or use something along the following lines:

    css_provider = Gtk.CssProvider()
        @binding-set unbind_search { unbind "<Control>f"; }
        GtkTreeView { gtk-key-bindings: unbind_search; }
    context = Gtk.StyleContext()
        Gdk.Screen.get_default(), css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER