Does anyone know how to change the status bar text color?
I want the text to be in the color orange.
I'm not talking about the regular black or white color
`UIStatusBarStyleLightContent`; or `UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque`; or whatever.
There is no documented way to change the text color to orange. However, it is definitively possible, because I just tried it out and it worked.
Disclaimer: this is all undocumented territorry... it will probably not be approved when you submit it to the app store. however, you may be lucky...
In iOS 7 you can do this:
/// sets the status bar text color. returns YES on success.
/// currently, this only
/// works in iOS 7. It uses undocumented, inofficial APIs.
BOOL setStatusBarColor(UIColor *color)
id statusBarWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] valueForKey:@"statusBarWindow"];
id statusBar = [statusBarWindow valueForKey:@"statusBar"];
SEL setForegroundColor_sel = NSSelectorFromString(@"setForegroundColor:");
if([statusBar respondsToSelector:setForegroundColor_sel]) {
// iOS 7+
[statusBar performSelector:setForegroundColor_sel withObject:color];
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
in iOS5 and iOS6 it may be possible too, but I haven't tried, because it is much more work. However I have found a method of interest (available in iOS 5 and iOS 6). Class UIStatusBarItemView
has an instance method called -textColorForStyle:
(which takes an integer and returns an object). You may be able to monkey-patch it to return any color you like.