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Passing two array variables into single loop

I've searched and searched on here for an answer, and I think the combination of being a noob at bash, not knowing the right way to do this, and not searching for the right keywords has meant I can't quite get over the last hurdle.

I'm writing a basic bash script to create config lines into a file based on the contents of a comma separated array variable. It works perfectly for single variables, but when I try and combine the two array variables it doesn't quite work. I've tried looping within the loop and that just creates the lines one after the other when I want it to loop with the other 5 lines it creates.

The two variables have the same number of iterations. Eg:

  • arr2=12:ac:23:bf:12:ca,22:de:a2:bf:21:ac,01:e4:32:f0:12:c4

and I want to pass them together into the loop:

  • SITENAME1 ($y) with 12:ac:23:bf:12:ca ($x)
  • SITENAME2 ($y) with 22:de:a2:bf:21:ac ($x)
  • SITENAME3 ($y) with 01:e4:32:f0:12:c4 ($x)

Here is the code extract:

arr1=$(echo $sites | tr "," "\n")
arr2=$(echo $mastermacs | tr "," "\n")
IFS="," read -a arr1 <<< "$sites"
IFS="," read -a arr2 <<< "$mastermacs"
for y in "${!arr1[@]}"; do
#    for x in "${arr2[@]}"; do
  echo "config flexconnect group ${arr1[y]} add"$'\r' >> Flex-cfg.txt
  echo "config flexconnect group ${arr1[y]} ap add ${arr2[x]} "$'\r' >> Flex-cfg.txt
  echo "config flexconnect group ${arr1[y]} predownload master ${arr1[y]}_AP01"$'\r' >> Flex-cfg.txt
  echo "config flexconnect group ${arr1[y]} predownload enable"$'\r' >> Flex-cfg.txt
  echo "config flexconnect group ${arr1[y]} predownload start primary"$'\r' >> Flex-cfg.txt
 #    done

It's this line in particular that I'm trying to iterate with 2 values (incidentally I've used it with just $y and $x as well, I've just been tinkering):

echo "config flexconnect group ${arr1[y]} ap add ${arr2[x]} "$'\r' >> Flex-cfg.txt

But as it stands it just puts the first one each time. Value Y is a name, and value X is a MAC Address.

I'm either very close or completely and utterly wrong. So could do with some kind help!


  • IFS=, read -a sz <<< "$sites"
    IFS=, read -a mz <<< "$mastermacs"
    fx='config flexconnect group'
    for x in ${!sz[*]}
      echo "$fx ${sz[x]} add"
      echo "$fx ${sz[x]} ap add ${mz[x]}"
      echo "$fx ${sz[x]} predownload master ${sz[x]}_AP01"
      echo "$fx ${sz[x]} predownload enable"
      echo "$fx ${sz[x]} predownload start primary"
    • Don’t use arr1. You can get lost in the code pretty quick if your variable names have no meaning

    • I added extra empty echo, to help readability in the output