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Capistrano Pointing to Old Release That No Longer Exists

I have altered this question quite a bit based on changing circumstances.

My deploy.rb file:

set :rails_env "production"
set :branch,   "master"
set :keep_releases, 1

set :app_server, "ip address"
set :db_server,  "ip address"
server app_server, :app, :web
role :db, db_server, :primary => true

set :deploy_to, "/var/www"
set :user,      :cool_user

set :repository, "git account"
set :scm, "git"
set :scm_username, "my username"
set :scm_passphrase, "password"

ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true

after 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:cleanup'

after 'deploy:update', 'deploy:symlink'

When I run deploy everything looks fine in the console, no errors. But when I visit the site, it's pointing an old release that no longer exists in the server.

For example, when I visit the /pricing page I receive this error...

Unknown action

The action 'pricing' could not be found for DirectController

On another page, I receive this error...

Template is missing

Missing template layouts/anonymous

I have no idea how to point capistrano to the most recent version. Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

If I were to reboot the server then I receive this error.

Sprockets::FileNotFound in Home#index

couldn't find file 'angular'
  (in /var/www/releases/20140428003009/app/assets/javascripts/application.js:21)



  • I've solved the problem by moving my angular_js gem out of the assets group and into the all group in my bundler. I also did an apache restart from within the server instead of rebooting from the hosting website. Thanks for all the help though!