I have a buffer with 14-bit image (640 x 512). I need save this image as 16-bit TIFF.
So, each pixel takes 2 bytes, and I can trasform into grayscale (8 bit) like this:
(buffer[index] | buffer[index + 1] << 8) & 0x3FFF
is number of pixel for example).
As I understand, 8-bit image I can easily save as BMP using bitmap:
bmp.Save("c:\\button.gif", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
But i don`t know, how can I transform it into 16-bit TIFF. Should I transform 8-bit into 16, or 14 into 16? And how?
Somebody told me I have to form some TIFF Header and add image data to this header. Is it true? Is there any example of this? Or some library to automate this process.
You can use LibTiff .NET to save image in TIFF format:
To convert 14 to 16 bit multiply every pixel (2 bytes) by 4.