Hi I have what I think must be a really simple Rcpp question regarding treating NumericVector objects as multidimensional arrays. I can't find an answer to what might be obvious. Apologies up front if this is the case -- my inexperience with C++ is to blame...
If I use the answer posted here a (Constructing 3D array in Rcpp) as an example
NumericVector arrayC(NumericVector input, IntegerVector dim) {
input.attr("dim") = dim;
return input;
How do I extract/access an single slice / row / column out of the "intput" object?
I.e. Do something like
NumericMatrix X = input(_,_,i)
// FYI -- I know this doesn't work! Simply trying to convey the point...
And yes I know RcppArmadillo could be used. I have my reasons, for doing things this way but no need to bore folks with them.
Everything I wrote in the previous answer you cite still holds: doable, but possibly painful as you may need to write converters. Contributions would still be welcome.
For what it is worth, I use the (Rcpp)Armadillo containers for three-dimensional data as they do have the slicing operators. Note that you can't easily convert them to something R likes ,ie I think we still automated converters for cube
to lists of matrices.
Edit: For what it is worth, here is a short loop from a recent GitHub project of mine:
for (unsigned int j=k-1-1; j>0; j--) {
arma::mat Ppred = AA.slice(j) * P.slice(j) * AA.slice(j).t() + QQ.slice(j);
arma::mat lhs = (P.slice(j) * AA.slice(j).t());
arma::mat rhs = Ppred;
D.slice(j) = arma::solve(rhs.t(), lhs.t()).t();
M.col(j) = M.col(j) + D.slice(j) * (M.col(j+1) - AA.slice(j) * M.col(j));
P.slice(j) = P.slice(j) + D.slice(j) *
(P.slice(j+1) - Ppred) * D.slice(j).t();
This uses Armadillo slicing on both the left and right-hand sides. And this works rather well from R thanks to RcppArmadillo (modulo the aforementioned issue that because a R has no real native 3-d structure, so we can't pass a 3-d matrix back easily).