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Queue several QTimers calls to slots

I'm using a library where I need to call a trigger function that starts some processing (starts a thread that does the job) and returns immediatly. Then when the processing is finished a signal is emitted.

This needs to be done periodically based on different parameters. Since other calls to the trigger function must not be done while processing I would need to queue them in some way. I thought about using a QEventLoop ("loop") but without luck so far.

Please look at this piece of code:

    connect(&timer,   SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timerSlot()));
    connect(&timer2,  SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timer2Slot()));
    connect(&library, SIGNAL(processingFinished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));



void test::timerSlot()

void test::timer2Slot()

The issue is that when loop.exec() is called while processing I get the message:

QEventLoop::exec: instance xxxxxx has already called exec()

What would be the right way to do what I intend?

Thanks in advance.


  • One simple solution is to introduce a member variable, for example, bool m_isProcessing, start processing only if m_isProcess == false, then set it to true when you start processing and reset it to false when processing is complete. Since the slots for your test QObject execute on the GUI/main thread, you don't need to worry about synchronization between timer slots and the slot that will execute when processing is finished.

    If you want to keep track of events that occur during processing, you can use the same method: introduce a member variable to the test class to track the information you need.