Sorry I have asked some questions like this one, but I still can't get a clear answer, maybe my bad English and unclear expression puzzled the kind people.
When I read the "Type Parameterization" in this article:, I see there are some explanation about the type positions:
As a somewhat contrived example, consider the following class definition, where the variance of several positions is annotated with ^+ (for positive) or ^- (for negative):
abstract class Cat[-T, +U] { def meow[W^-](volume: T^-, listener: Cat[U^+, T^-]^-) : Cat[Cat[U^+, T^-]^-, U^+]^+ }
I can understand most of this class, except the W
position. I don't understand why it marked as negative, and there is no explanation in the whole document.
It also says:
Type parameters annotated with + may only be used in positive positions, while type parameters annotated with - may only be used in negative positions.
How can I find a type with -
annotation in position W
to fit this negative position?
The language reference says:
OK what does it mean for a type parameter to have a variance position?
class Moo[+A, -B] {
def foo[X] (bar : Y) ...
So Y is in a contravariant position, this is clear. We can put B in its position, but not A.
But what does it mean for X to be in a contravariant position? We cannot substitute A or B or anything there, it's just a formal parameter!
That's true, but this thing can have subordinate positions which are types, and have variance. So we need to count the position of X when tracking how many times we flip variance. There's no subordinate clauses of X here, but consider this:
class Moo[+A, -B] {
def foo[X >: Z] (bar : B) ...
We probably can replace Z with either A or B, but which is correct? Well, the position of Z is the opposite of that of X, and the position of X is the opposite of that of the top-level, which is covariant, so Z must be covariant too. Let's check:
abstract class Moo[+A, -B] {
def foo[X >: A] (bar : B)
defined class Moo
Looks like we are right!