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Concatenating variable with sproc in temp table insert

I currently have a query that runs n number of inserts into a temp table based on results from a previous query. The results put into the temp table come from a sproc.

I would like to also insert into the table, along with this information, a variable that is being used (but not used in the sproc). Example is this:

--somewhere up top
Declare @userID int --This is used to get info before the important part
Declare @someOtherID int --This is passed into the sproc

--Some stuff happens here that is unrelated to question

--Important part
while (@@rowcount > 0)
  insert @tmp2 exec spThisSprocDoesntContainOrCareAboutUserID @someOtherID
  delete from @tmp where [someID]=@someOtherID
  select top 1 @id=[id], @someOtherID=[someID] from @tmp


What I'd like to do is also insert into each row in @tmp2 the userID used in the previous section. Something like

insert @tmp2 @userID + exec spThisSprocDoesntContainOrCareAboutUserID @someOtherID

Obviously, this won't work. However, it's the general idea of what I am trying to do.

Does anyone have any suggestions on this one?

(note that I'd prefer not to modify the sproc / make a similar one to also take that variable in just to pass it back out to the results if I can help it. Not impossible, just would prefer not to)


  • You can do it by an extra step (as you mentioned without any modification in sp)

    insert @tmp3 exec spThisSprocDoesntContainOrCareAboutUserID @someOtherID
    insert @tmp2 Select @userId, field1, field2 from @temp3