Based on paparazzo.js lib, I'm trying to get base64 images from a MJPEG stream (streamed over TCP with GStreamer) in a Node.js server, and to send them to the clients via websockets.
I think I'm pretty close, but my images are corrupted. Here is the code I'm using :
var boundary = "----videoboundary";
var data = "";
var tcpServer = net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on('data', function(chunk) {
var boundaryIndex = chunk.toString().indexOf(boundary);
if (boundaryIndex !== -1) {
// Get the image's last piece of data :
data += chunk.toString().substring(0, boundaryIndex);
// Convert the data to a base64 image and broadcast it :
var image = new Buffer(data).toString('base64');
io.sockets.emit('image', image);
// Reset the data :
data = '';
// Get the remaining data (with new image's headers) :
var remaining = chunk.toString().substring(boundaryIndex);
// Remove the new image's headers and add the remaining data :
var contentTypeMatches = remaining.match(/Content-Type:\s+image\/jpeg\s+/);
var contentLengthMatches = remaining.match(/Content-Length:\s+(\d+)\s+/);
if(contentLengthMatches != null && contentLengthMatches.length > 1) {
var newImageBeginning = remaining.indexOf(contentLengthMatches[0]) + contentLengthMatches[0].length;
data += remaining.substring(newImageBeginning);
else if(contentTypeMatches != null) {
var newImageBeginning = remaining.indexOf(contentTypeMatches[0]) + contentTypeMatches[0].length;
data += remaining.substring(newImageBeginning);
else {
var newImageBeginning = boundaryIndex + boundary.length;
data += remaining.substring(newImageBeginning);
io.sockets.emit('error', { message: 'Could not find beginning of next image' });
else {
data += chunk;
Any idea ?
converts the binary Buffer to a utf8-encoded string (by default), so for binary image data that will probably cause you some problems.
Another option that might help simplify things for you is to use the dicer module. With that, your code may look like:
var Dicer = require('dicer');
var boundary = '----videoboundary';
var tcpServer = net.createServer(function(socket) {
var dice = new Dicer({ boundary: boundary });
dice.on('part', function(part) {
var frameEncoded = '';
part.on('header', function(header) {
// here you can verify content-type, content-length, or any other header
// values if you need to
}).on('data', function(data) {
frameEncoded += data;
}).on('end', function() {
io.sockets.emit('image', frameEncoded);
}).on('finish', function() {
console.log('End of parts');