I am considering a tool for an ETL solution that has high daily demand and requires heavy business logic processing. I've tried kettle and SSIS so far, and also want to test for Rhino ETL. I don't care for the visual flow structure of both Kettle and SSIS and creating complex businesse rules seems really hard using them... Rhino ETL seems more friendly as it has its own DSL to transform the data and I can also use C#.
Finally, my question is: Anyone uses Rhino ETL heavily? It has good performance compared to Kettle and SSIS? How about maintainability?
In comparisons that I made between Kettle and SSIS, Kettle was, without a doubt, better. I am considering Rhino ETL for its pragmatic approach compared to Kettle. As said in the comments, it seems a step backwards, but the kind of validation needed isn't the kind of problem Kettle is recommended for. For example, one of our integrations receives some kind of schedules that must be validated against the existing ones in the system, they must not conflict, there are several types of schedule and the conflict validation rules are complex. The system already has an User Inteface to do it, and the business logic is already implemented in C# code. Any attempt to port it to Kettle seems incredibly difficult, besides, it violates the 'only one way to do a thing' principle.
The 'no one uses' problem adressed in the comments is a concern for me too, that's why I am here trying to find out if anyone uses it in heavy production environment.
Thanks for the feedback so far.
As for RhinoETL and Kettle.
Rhino is very developer oriented.
Kettle is more skilled administrator or very skilled BA oriented.
Kettle GUI is far from intuitive, but Kettle capabilities is great.
We've developed our own ETL engine (simply didn't knows about Kettle) and our product is very similar to Kettle capabilities and architecture, but more user and our business friendly and/
SSIS - no comments here. DTS was a great product, simple and powerful, SSIS is horrible...
All opinions are subjective.