I've been playing with cast()s and such with this and can't seem to get things to work. I have a varchar string that's 18 characters long that I'd like to convert or cast to a decimal, with five decimal places. So for instance, this string:
Would become 19876.00130
It's the case that I'll always have a 17 character string, with the last five characters reserved as the decimal place.
I've been playing with casts and converts but I'm not quite there. For instance, these statements get me (sort of) close but not exactly.
select CAST('00000001987600130' as bigint)/100000.0
select (convert(decimal(17,5),left('00000001987600130',12),0))
If you have a suggestion I'm happy to try it. Thanks!
To ensure you get what you want do a final CAST to ensure decimal(17,5) exactly
SELECT CAST((CAST('00000001987600130' AS decimal) / 100000) AS decimal(17,5))
Otherwise, the output type is not correct in scale or precision and may have effects later.