Currently i'm in the process of getting to know InDesign CC HTML5 extensions.
Using the Extension Builder plugin for eclipse did a few tests creating extensions. No problem there.
But when it came to debugging i ran into some problems. First problem was finding a way to debug at all.
After some research i stumbled over this short guide to HTML5 extensions. It contains a guide for debugging which i followed meticulously.
But now when it comes down to actually debugging no debugging view opens nor am i able to connect to the application via chrome for remote debugging.
What is going wrong?
Turns out you cannot use the Run As/Debug As -> Adobe InDesign Extension
of eclipse to start the extension for debugging, because the essential .debug
-file will not be exported.
So everytime you want to debug something first Run As -> Adobe InDesign Extension
and then copy the .debug
-file into:
"$User$\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEPServiceManager4\extensions\$extesion folder$" (Windows)
After that restart InDesign MANUALLY (not from eclipse that is) and connect via "localhost:$port specified in .debug$"
(works only) with chrome to your extension.
This is not very ellegant but it works, at least for me.