Suppose we wish to define a function for some types A₀ ⋯ Aₙ and B
f : A₀ ⋯ Aₙ → B
f x₀ ⋯ xₙ = ... recursive call to f ...
Assume that this definition is not structurally recursive.
Assume also that I have definitions for the following:
a function g : A₀ ⋯ Aₙ → ℕ
which takes some subset of
the arguments of f
to a natural number;
for every case of f
a proof that g
of the arguments passed to the recursive
call is strictly smaller than g
of the incoming arguments
(using the built-in _<_ or _<′_ relation on natural numbers).
How would I put these parts together to make a recursive function,
using the Induction
modules from the Agda "standard" library?
This question is a follow-up to this question on the same subject, to which very complete answers have been given. However, I feel that the example function's type was unfortunately chosen as ℕ → ℕ
, which makes it hard for me to see how this extends to the general case.
Also, note that I'm not expecting a large answer with explanation on the workings behind well-founded induction and its implementation in Agda, as @Vitus as kindly provided quite an elaborate answer for this.
If you have a function A → B
and you know that B
has a well-founded relation, you can construct a well-founded relation on A
_<_ : B → B → Set
f : A → B
_≺_ : A → A → Set
x ≺ y = f x < f y
-- or more concisely
_≺_ = _<_ on f -- 'on' come from Function module
Proving that _≺_
is also well-founded isn't that hard, but it's already in standard library so we'll just use that:
open Inverse-image
{A = A} -- new type
{_<_ = _≺_} -- new relation
renaming (well-founded to <⇒≺-well-founded)
The Inverse-image
exports well-founded
value as the proof. We can then use this value to get the actual function that does recursion for us:
≺-well-founded = <⇒≺-well-founded <-well-founded
open All (≺-well-founded)
renaming (wfRec to ≺-rec)
And that's it, ≺-rec
can now be used to implement recursive functions with A
as an argument type.
The ≺-rec
is then used roughly as:
g : A → C
g = ≺-rec
_ {- level paremeter -}
_ {- A → Set; return type in case Agda cannot figure out the dependency -}
go {- helper function -}
go : ∀ x → (∀ y → y ≺ x → C) → C
go x rec = ... (rec arg proof) ...
is the argument to the recursive occurence and proof
is a proof that the argument is actually smaller.
When the return type depends on the arguments, the helper function looks roughly like this:
go : ∀ x → (∀ y → y ≺ x → C y) → C x
When dealing with functions with multiple arguments, you will need to bunch those into a single type so that the relation can talk about all of them. This usually means pairs or, in case there's a dependency between arguments, dependent pairs.