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Modifying a query to work with multiple users using SEDE

I am having a hard time getting my query to do what I want it to do...

If I run it for one UserId: 2140173 it seems to be working fine

Select UserId, 
(Select Count(VoteTypeId) From SuggestedEditVotes where UserId = 2140173) as 'Total',
(Select Count(VoteTypeId) From SuggestedEditVotes where UserId = 2140173 and VoteTypeId = 2) As 'Accepted',
(Select Count(VoteTypeId) From SuggestedEditVotes where UserId = 2140173 and VoteTypeId = 3) As 'Rejected'

from SuggestedEditVotes

    inner join Users on SuggestedEditVotes.UserId = Users.Id

where Users.Reputation > 2000 and UserId = 2140173

group by UserId

having Count(VoteTypeId) > 0

it returns

UserId    Total    Accepted    Rejected
2140173    2230        1145        1085

But when I am trying to modify it slightly and run it for all users with more than 2000 reputation it does not give me the correct results :/

I am stuck with the sub Select statements as I am not sure what to put in their where clause..

This is what I have tried but it returns the totals and I want it to be a count for each user Id

Select UserId, 
(Select Count(VoteTypeId) From SuggestedEditVotes) as 'Total',
(Select Count(VoteTypeId) From SuggestedEditVotes where VoteTypeId = 2) As 'Accepted',
(Select Count(VoteTypeId) From SuggestedEditVotes where VoteTypeId = 3) As 'Rejected'

from SuggestedEditVotes

    inner join Users on SuggestedEditVotes.UserId = Users.Id

where Users.Reputation > 2000

group by UserId

having Count(VoteTypeId) > 0

Can anyone help?



  • Try this:

    SELECT UserId,
     COUNT(VoteTypeId) AS 'Total',
       WHEN VoteTypeId = 2
       THEN VoteTypeId
       ELSE NULL
     END) AS 'Accepted',
       WHEN VoteTypeId = 3
       THEN VoteTypeId
       ELSE NULL
     END) AS 'Rejected'
    FROM SuggestedEditVotes
    INNER JOIN Users
    ON SuggestedEditVotes.UserId = Users.Id
    WHERE Users.Reputation       > 2000
    GROUP BY UserId
    HAVING COUNT(VoteTypeId) > 0