i am trying to land my arc patch. I am up-to-date with origin/master, my patch was reviewed and accepted. On teh phabricator site is says: Next Step arc land 'arcpatch-D37'
But if i use arc patch D37
and then arc land
i run into problems.
It breaks at the pull:
Switched back to branch ←[1marcpatch-D37←[m.
[2014-04-29 14:06:50] EXCEPTION: (CommandException) Command failed with error #1
git pull --ff-only --no-stat
fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.
at [D:\arcanist\libphutil\src\future\exec\ExecFuture.php:398]
I tried pulling first and had no problems/conflicts. No idea what to do/try next.
Try this:
git stash
(make sure it's your only stash via git stash list
)git checkout master
(switch to your master
branch)git branch -D arcpatch-D37
(delete the old branch)git reset --hard origin/master
(reset your current branch)git pull
(update the master branch)arc patch D37
(create a fresh branch)arc land
(land it!)