We upgraded our AIX Environment from WL 6.1.0 to without stopping the WL Server (ApplicationCenter is not installed in this WAS Profile). We have WAS 8 in Netowrk Deployment Configuration.
Installation Manager installed it successfully, then we reboot the server and we got this trying accessing the console:
Error 500: javax.servlet.ServletException: Worklight Console initialization failed.Logged Exception: com.worklight.server.database.api.WorklightDataSourceException: FWLSE0194E: Worklight server cannot be started because of failure while getting a connection from data-source bound to resource reference: jdbc/WorklightDS. Make sure the database is up, the credentials are correct and the driver is available for the server. [project buytec_worklight]
I searched the right way to upgrade and I saw that we should have stopped the server than we should follow this procedure: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wrklight/v6r1m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.worklight.upgrade.doc%2Fdevenv%2Fc_upgrade_to_srvr610_upgrading_wl_console_upgrade_console.html
But at first, with WL 6.1.0 we didn't use the ant-task to deploy the console, we just put the .war found in the Eclipse Studio with the right plugin, so now i cannot manage to understand how to upgrade the console manually.
Have you any suggestions?
I simply re-add the .jar files driver for db2, checking that they are resolved, set again the Data sources JDBC, uploaded a new console.war created with eclipse and it worked!