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Datagridview comboBox not selecting on click/edit

I have a datagridview which has a combox column that contains two values. When a row's combobox value has been changed I'm updating the backend database with the change.

The core problem is the data only changes after you click on the drop down arrow, and select the record. If you click on the combobox cell itself and select the value it doesn't do anything because the combobox selected item is empty.

What's confusing me is this works correctly within Visual Studio apart from the initial click following this it works fine, but when the application is ran directly the combobox runs slow, it takes 2 to 4 clicks of the combo box to actually detect that the value has changed.

This is the editcontrol handler.

 Private Sub DataGridView_Changer(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) _
    Handles DataGridView.EditingControlShowing
        Dim Combo As ComboBox = CType(e.Control, ComboBox)
        If Not IsNothing(Combo.SelectedItem) Then
            RemoveHandler Combo.SelectedIndexChanged, New EventHandler(AddressOf ComboHandler)
            AddHandler Combo.SelectedIndexChanged, New EventHandler(AddressOf ComboHandler)
        End If
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

This is the combobox handler where the data change occurs and updates the DB

    Private Sub ComboHandler(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
                Dim EmailID As Integer = DataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells("EmailID").Value
                Dim Sent As Boolean = DataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells("BeenSent").Value
                If Sent = True Then
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                Dim EMRec As DBClass.EmailRecordDB = EmailArchive.Where(Function(X) X.EmailID = EmailID).FirstOrDefault
                Dim Combo As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox)
                If Combo.SelectedItem.ToString = "Failed" Then
                    EMRec.SentAttempt = 999
                    EMRec.BeenSent = False
                ElseIf Combo.SelectedItem.ToString = "Resend" Then
                    EMRec.SentAttempt = 0
                    EMRec.BeenSent = False
                End If
                EMRec.ResetStatus() 'DB Update 
                Exit Sub
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub
Sub DirtyCell() 'Handles DataGridView.CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged
    If DataGridView.IsCurrentCellDirty Then
                     ContextualSearch() ' Refresh Grid
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End If
End Sub

UPDATE 24/04/2014

I've tweaked DirtyCell() and removed the if statement, so it commits the change regardless of if the cell is dirty or not. This seems to have made a bit of an improvement.

  Sub DirtyCell() 'Handles DataGridView.CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged
                         ContextualSearch() ' Refresh Grid
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try      
    End Sub

UPDATE 25/04/2014

I've still got an issue with the combobox cell being initially selected. It still requires 3+ clicks for the value change to actually take effect and trigger the combohandler event.

I am at a loss as to how to resolve this.


  • Instead of trapping and attempting to do an update while the edit event was occurring (hindsight) I used the CellValueChanged event.

    The Combobox field contains 2 values but by default the value of the cell was empty.

    When CellValueChanged is triggered it's after the cell's value has been updated.

    I'd added CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged to DirtyCell to automatically commit the data change and rerun the query.

    Such a simple change as using CellvalueChanged fixed the issue.