Search code examples

Yii. CGridView in frontend. CActiveDataProvider without $model->search()

I don't know if it is possible, but suppose it must be. I need to present some data in frontend view - the list of companies in tabular form: Company name 1 - Country 1 - Website 1 - etc... Company name 2 - Country 2 - Website 2 - etc... etc... I'm trying to use CGridView for this purpose.

My controller:

public function actionList()

    $sort = new CSort();
    $sort->attributes = array(
        'defaultOrder'=>'company_name DESC',
            'asc'=>'company_name ASC',
            'desc'=>'company_name DESC',
            'asc'=>'country ASC',
            'desc'=>'country DESC',

    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    $criteria->order = "company_name DESC";
    $criteria->condition = 'approve = :approve';
    $criteria->params = array(':approve'=>1);       

    $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('EuCompanies', array('criteria'=>$criteria,'sort'=>$sort));


My view:

    $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(                                                 
      'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,                                                             

The output is a nice grid, which takes into account the selection criteria, and clickable "Company name" and "Country", but clicking on them doesn't make the column sort. I guess it is because sort can't be done without using $model->search() in dataProvider, or I've just done something wrong?


  • Ok, solved. Two points were wrong:


    $criteria->order = "company_name DESC";

    was over-riding any other sort. After deleting this string, my columns become sortable.

    Second (default sort didn't work):

    Had to move

    $sort->attributes = array(
        'defaultOrder'=>'company_name DESC',

    from attributes to

    $sort = new CSort();
        $sort->defaultOrder = 'company_name ASC';
        $sort->attributes = array(...

    Work done, thank you :)