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Cast a squeryl Query to a case class scala

I am new to Squeryl and trying to figure out how to cast the results I get back from a query into case class. I have something like this

def getUsers = {
    val data = getUserData

def getUserData = {
    transaction {
        from(users)(s =>
            select(, s.firstName, s.lastName, s.userName,, s.lastLoginDate, s.dateJoined)

case class UserData(userId: Long, firstName: String, lastName: String, userName: String, email: String, lastLoginDate: Timestamp, dateJoined: Timestamp)

case class UserDataRecords(users: List[UserData])

Ideally, I would like to get the data back in the from of UserDataRecords. Right now it is returned as Query[Tuple7]. Such as

(5,Suzie,Queue,squeue,,2014-01-15 22:02:12.0,2014-01-15 22:02:12.0)

What I cant figure out is how to cast this data. Any help on this would be great!


  • The simplest way would be to use map to transform the result list. Something like the example below should be a starting point:

    def getUserData = {
        transaction {
            from(users)(s =>
                select(, s.firstName, s.lastName, s.userName,, s.lastLoginDate, s.dateJoined)
            ) { row =>
                UserData(row._1, row._2, row._3, row._4, row._5, row._6, row._7)

    This will iterate through each row and create a UserData object out of the tuple, leaving you with List[UserData].

    That said, if your schema users is of type Table[UserData], then you could simply do:

    from(users)(s => select(s))