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How to check if a solr query will return data before actually loading the data?

I'm about to write some code that will run numerous solr queries. But I wont need to load the documents from these queries every time I run the query. I mean, I may run 6 queries but I may need to load the documents from the 5th query only.

So to speed things up, is there a way to run a solr query that would only return a value indicating if this query will return documents or not ? My aim is not to load documents unless I will actually use them. Just to speed up the process.


  • There is 2 ways to achieve that :

    • Using fl parameter you can set a field list to return : set an empty string, or set a field name that does not exist in your index so that the request doesn't fallback to the default field list. It should return a list of empty documents :

      SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
      query.setQuery("something to search");
      query.set("fl", "unknown_field");
      SolrDocumentList out = server.query(query).getResults();
    • using rows parameter (should be preferred), ask solr to return 0 document :


    In both cases getNumFound() method should return the number of matched documents.