Been looking everywhere for an answer as to why my pdo prepare() function is giving me this error:
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in /var/www/database.class.php on line 26
I have been looking at every post about this but none of them seem to help or even just clear up this error. I started here: a havent changed anything just trying to use it with POST data
this is my database.class.php:
class Database {
private $host = "localhost";
private $user = "nicholas";
private $pass = "12345";
private $dbname = "sstest";
private $dbh;
private $error;
public $stmt;
public function __construct() {
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $this->host . ';dbname=' . $this->dbname;
$options = array(
try {
$this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $this->user, $this->pass, $options);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$this->error = $e->getMessage();
public function query($query) {
$this->stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query); //this is line 26
public function bind($param, $value, $type = null) {
if (is_null($type)) {
switch (true) {
case is_int($value):
$type = PDO::PARAM_INT;
case is_bool($value):
$type = PDO::PARAM_NULL;
$type = PDO::PARAM_STR;
$this->stmt->bindValue($param, $value, $type);
public function execute() {
return $this->stmt->execute();
public function resultSet() {
return $this->stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
public function single() {
return $this->stmt->fetch(PDO_::FETCH_ASSOC);
public function rowCount() {
return $this->stmt->rowCount();
public function lastInsertId() {
return $this->dbh->lastInsertId();
public function beginTransaction() {
return $this->dbh->beginTransaction();
public function endTransaction() {
return $this->dbh->commit();
public function cancelTransaction() {
return $this->dbh->rollBack();
and here is the php file using my database:
include 'database.class.php';
$id = $_POST["id"];
$fname = $_POST["fname"];
$lname = $_POST["lname"];
$database = new Database();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO sstest (id, fname, lname) VALUES (:id, :fname, :lname)';
$database->bind(':id', $id);
$database->bind(':fname', $fname);
$database->bind(':lname', $lname);
echo $database->lastInsertId();
I know the java code is sending the POST data, but i am confused as to why the prepare() function is saying $sql is a non-object. Any help is much appreciated, ive been working on this for 2 days now and am not able to get past the prepare() statement.
I think your problem is here:
try {
$this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $this->user, $this->pass, $options);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$this->error = $e->getMessage();
Add this line to catch after the line you have there: