Consider Expression Below:
Where "Gamma" and "k" given (user input).depending on "Gamma" value,number of Multiple series may change.any ideas how can I put this on mathematica?I Can't Use Nested Loop ('For' Loop) because number of loops may change by changing "Gamma" value.
This should be close:
inner[i_, gamma_, k_] :=
Product[(-1)^(el[z] - el[z - 1])/(el[z] - el[z - 1])! ,{z, 2, i}],
Evaluate[Sequence @@
({{el[1], k, gamma}}~Join~Table[ { el[ii], el[ii - 1], gamma },
{ii, 2, i}])]]
With[{gamma = 3, k = 1}, Sum[ inner[i, gamma, k], {i, gamma - 1}]]
by the way the product is slightly neater if you define el[0]=0
then it is simply:
Product[(-1)^(el[z] - el[z - 1])/(el[z] - el[z - 1])! , {z,i}]
which then simplifies to:
(-1)^el[i] /Product[(el[z] - el[z - 1])! , {z, 1, i}]