I am running into problems with Hex values and python. I am trying to write a function which performs a bytewise XOR and returns a Hex value.
Basically I am trying to convert this C# code to Python:
private byte[] AddParity(string _in)
byte parity = 0x7f;
List<byte> _out = new List<byte>();
ASCIIEncoding asc = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] bytes = asc.GetBytes(_in + '\r');
foreach (byte bt in bytes)
parity ^= bt;
return _out.ToArray();
Can someone point me in the right direction?
parity = 0x7f
parities = [int(item,16) ^ parity for item in "4e 7f 2b".split()]
#or maybe
parities = [ord(item) ^ parity for item in "somestring"]
I guess you are using this as some sort of checksum
parity = 0x7f
bits = []
for bit in "somestring":
parity ^= ord(bit)
parity &= 0xFF #ensure width
to do the checksum more pythonically you could do
this is the answer you want
bytestring = "vTest\r"
bits = chr(0x7f) + bytestring
checksum = reduce(lambda x,y:chr((ord(x)^ord(y))&0xff),bits)
message = bytestring+checksum
print map(lambda x:hex(ord(x)),message)
#Result:['0x76', '0x54', '0x65', '0x73', '0x74', '0xd', '0x32']
# ser.write(message)
if you want to see the hex values
print map(hex,parities)
or to see the binary
print map(bin,parities)