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Combining EaselJS and TweenJS for Fade Over Time

I have a working animation that uses only EaselJS to load and display images. The whole animation works quite well, but images appear and disappear immediately. I would like them to fade in and out over time. Here's a small jsfiddle that might illustrate the problem better:

var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
var shape = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics().f("#f00").dc(0,0,100)).set({x:100,y:100});

shape.addEventListener("click", function(){
     //Shape will now disappear quickly. I would like it to fade out, by tweening its alpha or opacity or something. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

When you click the red circle, it simply disappears, immediately. I would like it to fade out slowly. I have done some research but am having trouble finding good documentation - it appears that what I need is the TweenJS "sister" library, and at least some of the following code:

createjs.Ticker.setFPS(30); //Sets frames-per-second for TweenJS
createjs.Tween.get(shape).to({alpha: 0},1000);

I believe the last line is supposed to get the "shape" object which I made previously, then set up an animation which animates its alpha property (which I assume is 1 by default when added to the stage, but I'm not sure), and reduces it to this 0 over 1000 milliseconds. The code doesn't actually do anything - any help would be much appreciated!


  • You need to ensure you update the stage during a tween, or whenever a property changes.

    Here is a quick fiddle using your code. I added a tick listener to the stage, which will redraw the stage constantly.

    createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);

    Note that you may want to control when the tick is added and removed, so it isn't unnecessarily redrawing the stage when nothing is changing. A quick way would be to add a call to the end of the tween.

    createjs.Tween.get(shape).to({alpha: 0},1000).call(doneAnimating);
    function doneAnimating() {
        createjs.Ticker.removeEventListener("tick", stage);
