Only issue with Android Nexus 4, OS 4.2
Getting images from Media Gallery using content path give error in only nexus 4.
Content Path like this : content://
Error :
java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider from ProcessRecord{658fa748
4598:com.backlotauctions/u0a739} (pid=4598, uid=10739) requires or
My Code is:
InputStream is = null;
is = mActivity.getContentResolver().openInputStream(Uri.parse(ImagePath));
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f);
Utils.CopyStream(is, os);
This error occurred while content Resolver openInputStream() using image path.
I had the same problem a while ago. see my question here
Security Exception when trying to access a Picasa image on device running 4.2
It seems you cannot hold onto the uri of picasa images and just pull the image from the uri everytime, you can only use the uri once.
basically what I ended up doing was saving the image locally the first time and use that uri for the image