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Error handling OpenFileDialog in VB

I am new to VB, so I appreciate this might seem like a stupid question.

I am using the following code to select a CSV file from the local file system.

    Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog

    openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\uploads"
    openFileDialog1.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv"
    openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2
    openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True

    If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

    End If

        '--TextField Parser is used to read the files 
        Dim parser As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(openFileDialog1.FileName)

How can I make this error gracefully, if a file is not selected.

So in essence display a message saying "No file selected"

Thank you in advance.


  •  Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog
        Dim strFileName As String
        openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\uploads"
        openFileDialog1.Filter = "CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv"
        openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2
        openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True
        If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
            strFiilename = openFileDialog1.FileName
            If strFileName <> "" Then
                'file is selected
            Dim parser As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(strFiilename)
                MsgBox("No File Selected")
            End If
        End If

    i think no need to check for this strFileName because in your question you have placed

    Dim parser As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(openFileDialog1.FileName)


    If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then

    this will leads your error