I would like to add a text from an online text file link and insert it the following way:
BrandingText "14.05.01"
!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "14.05.01"
Does NSIS offers this possibility?
Yes this is possible. I use the inetc plugin to access a file from a website:
#get txt file (silently)
inetc::get /NOCANCEL /SILENT "https://valeo.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/versao.txt" "$TEMP\versao.txt" /end
#you may check the return value with: 'Pop $0' and 'StrCmp $0 "OK" 0 Error'
#read file content
FileOpen $4 "$TEMP\versao.txt" r
# read until the end of line and save it to $1
FileRead $4 $1
#close the file
FileClose $4
# Now do what you want with $1
Yes this code goes into a function. But this is no problem, just follow the description here.