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Checkbox Background issue on Xperia

As the title says, I got a problem with Checkbox Background on Xperia phones. The code is working fine on every devices but Xperia ones. It simply shows no background.


Neither does myCheckbox.setBackgroundColor(Color.RED);

As stated in this other post on SO, Background methods seem broken on Xperia. I tried the given fix, and it works well for colors.


Problem is there is no setDrawingCacheBackgroundResource(int) method for me.

Hence there are my two questions :

1- Does someone know how to fix it ?

2- If someone knows, how can I know if the phone actually is a Xperia ? Just to do something like

if( /*phone is Xperia*/ )
    /*Use fix*/
    /*Proceed normaly*/

Thanks guys !


  • I tried this but I find it not satisfying :

    myCheckbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener()
        public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton checkbox, boolean checked)
            layout_checkboxsubstitute.setBackgroundResource(checked ? R.drawable.customBackgroundStateOn : R.drawable.customBackgroundStateOff);

    I created a Layout and show it instead of Checkbox itself. I have to change Background manually. I'd rather stay with myCheckbox.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.customBackground); which is way simplier.

    Does someone have a better solution ?