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Guice synthetic methods warning

We are having Guice and its AOP support. We have two 3d party modules which use the AOP support: Shiro and the Guice's JPA module. As a result Guice complains that "The method may be intercepted twice". My question is how can I avoid such behavior: I probably do not need to intercept synthetic methods at all.

If the modules were ours we could just add a Matcher which filters out all synthetic methods (like it says here) but the problem is these are 3d party modules.


  • The best way I could find is the following: just override the bindInterceptor methods like this.


    public final class NoSyntheticMethodMatcher extends AbstractMatcher<Method> {
        public static final NoSyntheticMethodMatcher INSTANCE = new NoSyntheticMethodMatcher();
        private NoSyntheticMethodMatcher() {}
        public boolean matches(Method method) {
            return !method.isSynthetic();

    The bindInterceptor method:

    protected void bindInterceptor(Matcher<? super Class<?>> classMatcher, Matcher<? super Method> methodMatcher, MethodInterceptor... interceptors) {
        super.bindInterceptor(classMatcher, NoSyntheticMethodMatcher.INSTANCE.and(methodMatcher), interceptors);

    But the solution doesn't always work. Like in my case, the target JpaPersistModule is final and the only way I could override the method is to copy pasted the implementation.