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How do I set std::ios_base flags like std::left in boost log 2.0?

I have an application which makes extensive use of boost log 2.0. Now I would like to set some default flags for that application like std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1), std::scientific and std::left. But how do I do that? One approach is creating a logger at the very beginning of my main function and creating a dummy log message. This permanently sets the desired flags. But is there no nicer way to do this?

edit in reply to: "OP should show actual code."

I have a global Logging singleton, called L:

class L{
  enum severity_level

  typedef boost::log::sources::severity_channel_logger<
      severity_level, // the type of the severity level
      std::string // the type of the channel name
  > logger_t;
  typedef boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink< boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend > text_sink;
  boost::shared_ptr< text_sink > sink_;

  static L& get();
  static boost::shared_ptr<text_sink> sink();
  static double t0();
  static double tElapsed();
  double t0_p;
  static std::string tElapsedFormat();

  L(const L&) = delete;
  void operator=(const L&) = delete;

which provides a logging sink, severity levels and utilizes MPI methods for synchronized timekeeping across MPI nodes. THe implementation of the class members follows here:

#include "log.h"

#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/log/attributes/function.hpp>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/make_shared_object.hpp>
#include <boost/log/core.hpp>
#include <boost/log/expressions.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sources/severity_channel_logger.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks/sync_frontend.hpp>
#include <boost/log/sinks/text_ostream_backend.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/setup/common_attributes.hpp>

namespace logging = boost::log;
namespace src = boost::log::sources;
namespace expr = boost::log::expressions;
namespace sinks = boost::log::sinks;
namespace attrs = boost::log::attributes;
namespace keywords = boost::log::keywords;

#include "mpiwrap.h"
#include <mpi.h>

BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(t, "Time", std::string)
BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(channel, "Channel", std::string)
BOOST_LOG_ATTRIBUTE_KEYWORD(severity, "Severity", L::severity_level)

  sink_(boost::make_shared< text_sink >()),

    boost::make_shared< std::ofstream >("log." + std::to_string(MpiWrap::getRank())));

      << "< "
      << t << " "
      << "[p:" << rank << "] "
      << "[c:" << channel << "] "
      << "[s:" << severity << "] "
      << expr::smessage



       (channel == "ChannelName1" && severity >= dddebug)
    || (channel == "ChannelName2" && severity >= info)
    || (channel == "ChannelName3" && severity >= result)


  // Add attributes
  logging::core::get()->add_global_attribute("Time", attrs::make_function(&tElapsedFormat));
  logging::core::get()->add_global_attribute("Rank", attrs::constant<int>(MpiWrap::getRank()));

L& L::get(){
  static L instance;
  return instance;

boost::shared_ptr<L::text_sink> L::sink(){
  return get().sink_;

double L::t0(){
  return get().t0_p;

double L::tElapsed(){
  return MPI_Wtime() - t0();

std::string L::tElapsedFormat(){
  std::stringstream ss;
  const int prec = std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10;
  ss << std::setw(prec + 2 + 6) << std::left << std::setprecision(prec) << tElapsed();
  return ss.str();

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& strm, L::severity_level level)
    static const char* strings[] =

    if (static_cast< std::size_t >(level) < sizeof(strings) / sizeof(*strings))
        strm << strings[level];
        strm << static_cast< int >(level);

    return strm;

Now for the usage: My classes usually have a static logger_t (typedef for boost::log::sources::severity_channel_logger<severity_level, std::string>) member

class A {
    logger_t logger;
    //other stuff here
    void function_which_does_logging();

L::logger_t A::logger(boost::log::keywords::channel = "ClassA");

void A::function_which_does_logging(){
    //do non logging related stuff
    BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, L::result) << "the error is: " << 0.1234567890;
    //do non logging related stuff

My current solution to the problem is putting a logging statement in the beginning of my program

int main(){
    L::logger_t logger(boost::log::keywords::channel = "init");
    BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, L::critical) << "setting up logger" << std::scientific << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1);

    //do stuff


  • @rhashimoto makes a good point about how your current solution will break down with multiple threads/concurrent logging operations. I feel the best solution is to define your own logging macros to replace BOOST_LOG_SEV which have the stream modifiers included, like this:

    #define LOG_SCIENTIFIC(logger, sev) (BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, sev) << std::scientific)

    Which can just be used as a drop-in replacement for BOOST_LOG_SEV which formats numbers as scientific. However, it's probably a pain to go through your code and replace every logging operation with a new custom macro. Instead of defining your own macro, you can also redefine BOOST_LOG_SEV to behave how you want. boost/log/sources/severity_feature.hpp defines BOOST_LOG_SEV as follows:

    //! An equivalent to BOOST_LOG_STREAM_SEV(logger, lvl)
    #define BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, lvl) BOOST_LOG_STREAM_SEV(logger, lvl)

    Because BOOST_LOG_STREAM_SEV is still a part of the public boost API, you ought to be able to safely redefine BOOST_LOG_SEV like this:

    #define BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, lvl) (BOOST_LOG_STREAM_SEV(logger, lvl) << std::scientific)

    So long as this is defined after you have included the boost log headers, it should do what you want. However, I would recommend using a macro with a custom name, so that it is clear to others what your code is doing.