I want to write a method which detects the orientation of uploaded image, then use a thumb with certain landscape or portrait dimensions using django-imagekit. Any ideas?
class Photo(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='/photos', max_length=50)
photoalbum = models.ForeignKey(Photoalbum, related_name='photos')
portrait_thumb = ImageSpecField(source='photo',
processors=[ResizeToFill(50, 100)],
options={'quality': 60})
landscape_thumb = ImageSpecField(source='photo',
processors=[ResizeToFill(100, 50)],
options={'quality': 60})
def get_orientation(self):
def get_thumb_url(self):
if self.get_orientation == 'portrait':
return self.portrait_thumb.url()
elif self.get_orientation == 'landscape':
return self.landscape_thumb.url()
You can do this by checking the width and height attributes of the model's image spec field. If width is greater than height, it is landscape. If the height is bigger than the width it is portrait.