Search code examples

Update table records if values match records value in another table

I have two tables


Date       Number      Name      Memo          PaidAmount
2012-02-13 122361      John Doe  some memo     245.25
2014-06-29 146352      Steve Doe another memo  360.34


Date       FileNumber  Name      Address       Price     Status
2012-02-13 122361PH    John Doe  some memo     245.25    Pending
2014-06-29 146352AP    Steve Doe another memo  360.34    Pending

I need to update records' Status in "Table2" from Pending to Closed only in records which FileNumbers' first six digits match first six digits of "Number" in "Table1".

And here is what's in my head...

SET Status = Closed
Where Table2.FileNumber (first six digits) = Table1.Number (first six digits)


  • UPDATE Table2 
    INNER JOIN Table1 ON substr( Table2.number, 1, 6 ) = substr( Table1.number, 1, 6 )
    SET STATUS = 'Closed'