I trying to make simple WP8 application. In MSDN I found an example for working with local database. But in this example using LINQ TO SQL. I dislike LINQ to SQL and my question:
Can I work with local database without LINQ to SQL in WP8? For example, I want to use a code style like that:
TestItem GetTestItem();
public TestItem GetTestItem(){
TestItem result=null;
//making "select id, name from TEST_ITEM"
//mapping "select" result into TextItem class
return result;
No, you can't:
ExecuteCommand is not supported: Windows Phone does not support executing “raw” Transact-SQL, Data Definition Language (DDL), or Data Modeling Language (DML) statements.
That is, you can't directly access the Transact-SQL database software built into Windows Phone 8. You can, however, add database SDKs to access other kinds of SQL databases, for example SQLite.