I'm trying to work a way to allow for ASP.NET membership to be configured once in the web.config, but be able to be configured against both SQL Azure and also Postgres.
I know there are the Microsoft.AspNet.Providers and also the NauckIT providers, but I really want to just use a single provider that will allow both.
Firstly, is there a membership provider that would allow both Postgres and SQL/SQLAzure?
Alternatively, is there a way to extend the Microsoft.AspNet.Providers to allow it use Postgres for storage? and for the matter SQLite?
Basically, I want to continue to use Membership Class as it's riddled through the codebase.
Any links would be helpful.
For asp.net 4.5, there is the new "Identity 2.0", and an extension that allows you to use NHibernate (or various other dbs) as the backing store for it.
Check out:
There is also a nuget package.