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Software architecture issue

I am having an architecture issue, and I hope someone can point me in the right direction. My problem is: handling DTOs with one-to-many or many-to-many relationships.

I have 5 projects and they should mostly depending to the next one respectively.

  1. Service Layer : connect domain layer to outside world
  2. Domain : Entity, Value Object and so on, Heart of the sw
  3. DTO : Mapper - convert database row to domain object
  4. Repository : CRUD operations
  5. DAL : Using EF Code first approach to create database tables

But i cannot figure out how they should be referred with each other. I have tried few approach and end up with circular reference. Any suggestions are welcome.


  • Here is what I would do with what you've described:

                          Common (shared logic, utility)
                          Model (Business objects, pocos)
         DAL (Entity Framework -- DbContext definition of Model, migrations etc)
                Repository (CRUD implementation using DAL context(s))
         Service Layer (Implementation of business logic, using repositories)
    DTO Mappers (Translation of business objects to client consumables using repos)
              Any API or outward facing interface (webapi, signalr, wcf, mvc)

    Usually you use DI to manage these dependencies with some sort of lifetime scope (http request): API -> Service -> Mappers -> Repositories -> DAL.

    In my experience I've used the "service" layer to perform unit-of-work operations -- eg. Using the Repository's methods that implement complex and simple queries -> Do business logic -> End UoW -> Return mapped business objects as dto.

    Your entity model should be shared throughout. Here are a few resources that might help you develop the architecture right for your application(s)

    link & link

    Hope this helps!