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Running multiple queries in access with two variables changing

Right now I have this query that I am running in Access:

UPDATE [Part B Mater Table] SET [Part B Mater Table].MCCat = 1
WHERE ((([Part B Mater Table].fyear)=1990)) AND CUSIP IN
FROM [Part B Mater Table]
WHERE ((([Part B Mater Table].fyear)=1990))
ORDER BY [Part B Mater Table].MC DESC);

I need to be able to loop through different years from 1990 to 2012 and change the DESC at the end to ASC, so there is one ASC and one DESC run per year.

Would it be best making a macro to do this or using VBA?

If it helps I have a php script that prints out all the Access SQL code I need, so I could easily modify that to show the VBA code, if it is possible to write out queries within VBA.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


  • VBA:

    Option Compare Database
    Sub sqlCommand(iYear As Integer, sOrder)
        Dim sSQL As String
        sSQL = "UPDATE [Part B Mater Table] SET [Part B Mater Table].MCCat = 1 " & _
            "WHERE ((([Part B Mater Table].fyear)=" & iYear & ")) AND CUSIP IN " & _
            "(SELECT TOP 33 PERCENT [Part B Mater Table].CUSIP & " & _
            "FROM [Part B Mater Table] " & _
            "WHERE ((([Part B Mater Table].fyear) = " & iYear & ")) " & _
            "ORDER BY [Part B Mater Table].MC " & sOrder & ")"
        DoCmd.RunSQL sSQL
    End Sub
    Sub update()
    Dim aOrder(2), sOrder As Variant, iCounter As Integer
    Dim iYears As Integer
    aOrder(0) = "ASC"
    aOrder(1) = "DESC"
    For Each sOrder In aOrder
        For iCounter = 1990 To 2012
            sqlCommand iCounter, sOrder
    Next sOrder
    End Sub