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What does this code do? I do not understand the syntax

I am working through One Month Rails and I am confused about the following line of code

rails generate migration add_user_id_to_pins user_id:integer:index

The code generates this file in the migrate folder within db:

class AddUserIdToPins < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_column :pins, :user_id, :integer
    add_column :pins, :index

I accidentally typed

rails generate migration add_user_id_to_pins user_id:integer index:integer

just because I assumed the syntax was "variable name":"type of variable name"

and my command generated the following migration file:

class AddUserIdToPins < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_column :pins, :user_id, :integer
    add_column :pins, :index, :integer

Can someone please explain the syntax, and also why there is the symbol integer on both lines in my code, vs. only the first line of the first command's generated code, and also explain the implications of continuing to use my code vs. the example.


  • rails generate migration add_user_id_to_pins user_id:integer:index

    This Indicates that you have PIN model and you want to add extra attribute named user_id to pins.

    I think you have relation between pin and user. like either

    user has_many pins
    pin belongs_to user


    user has_one pin
    pin belongs_to user

    right command to run migration is

    rails g migration add_user_id_to_pins user_id:integer

    user_id : field name
    Integer : Type that you assigned to user_id.

    Stores only id of the user.

    def change
      add_column :pins, :user_id, :integer

    This is what you can see in migration file.

    You have added index wrong way. like you can add index manually. after generation migration file go to that migration and add

      add_index :pins, :user_id

    For ActiveRecord Migration : For Index In rails refer this :

    Hope you can understand what is migration and what/why index.