I want to update dynamically ffserver.conf to add a new stream source to it.
Is there anyway to reload ffserver.conf in ffserver without stopping the streams running?
Reloading of "ffserver.conf
" config file is not supported by ffserver. And it have no restart code as I see.
There are the sources of ffserver: ffmpeg/ffserver.c line 4020:
4020 static int parse_ffconfig(const char *filename)
And the config parser is called only once - from main():
4710 int main(int argc, char **argv)
4711 {
4735 if ((ret = parse_ffconfig(config_filename)) < 0) { ...
There are no special signal handlers (like HUP in init
) for restarting server or rereading configs (only SIGCHLD
needed to use fork and to work with sockets).