I need to mimic a standard Rails has_many
relationship, but with the foreign keys stored in the parent.
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :questions
class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
This is because I am using PaperTrail for versioning, and when I retrieve an earlier version of a @product, I want to see what questions it was associated with.
So far, I'm thinking of creating:
Something like:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :questions_list, Array
has_many :questions, :after_add => :update_questions_list, :after_remove => :update_questions_list
def update_questions_list
update_column :questions_list, questions.map{|q| q.id}
def versioned_questions
questions_list.map{|id| Question.find(id)}
Then I'd exclusively reference versioned_questions in my other methods.
But this seems a bit hackish and potentially a source of bottlenecks. I'd like to do something natively Railsish if possible, where I get all that ActiveRecord Association goodness automatically. Can I?
BTW there is a StackOverflow question that, from it's title, looks like it answers my question, but it actually relates to has_one
associations, not has_many
The final answer, using Rails 4's support for PostgresQL's array column type for questions_list
, was:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :questions, :after_add => :add_to_questions_list, :after_remove => :remove_from_questions_list
def add_to_questions_list(question)
update_attribute :questions_list, questions_list << question.id
def remove_from_questions_list(question)
update_attribute :questions_list, questions_list.reject{|i| i == question.id}
def versioned_questions
questions_list.map{|id| Question.find(id)}