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Horizontal xtable on summary of data from read.csv

I've got a CSV file that looks like this:


I am trying to produce a LaTeX summary() using library(xtable), like so:

pings <- read.csv("pings.csv")
s <- summary(pings$RTT)

This produces the output:

 & Min. & 1st Qu. & Median & Mean & 3rd Qu. & Max. \\
1 & 40.70 & 42.70 & 43.40 & 44.90 & 44.10 & 202.00 \\

This is almost what I want, except for the first column containing an empty value and 1.

Clearly, I'm missing some vital, basic knowledge about data types and conversions in R. The problem is of course that t(s) produces:

      Min. 1st Qu. Median  Mean 3rd Qu.  Max.
[1,]  40.7    42.7   43.4  44.9    44.1 202.0

wherein the [,1] should explain xtable's output.

Can anyone please point out to me what I'm doing wrong?

If I'm simply trying to run xtable on the summary, I get

> xtable(summary(pings$RTT))
Error in xtable.table(summary(pings$RTT)) : 
  xtable.table is not implemented for tables of > 2 dimensions


  • This is handled by print.xtable():

    > library(xtable)
    > print.xtable(xtable(t(summary(runif(10)))), include.rownames=FALSE)
    % latex table generated in R 3.0.2 by xtable 1.7-3 package
    % Sat Apr 26 20:03:32 2014
    Min. & 1st Qu. & Median & Mean & 3rd Qu. & Max. \\ 
    0.03 & 0.18 & 0.48 & 0.41 & 0.61 & 0.74 \\ 

    Here include.rownames=FALSE disables outputting row names. See ?print.xtable for more details.