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How to Detach a Behavior from an UIElement in Code Behind for Silverlight?

In Silverlight 3.0 I have added a custom behavior to some UIElement in Code Behind.

I wanted to remove the Behavior later in runtime.

What is the C# syntax to Detach an already added Behavior from an UIElement?


  • I am guessing you are talking about a behavior deriving from the Behavior<T> class in the Blend SDK...

    Do you still have a reference to the behavior from when you attached it?

    MyCustomBehavior myBehavior = new MyCustomBehavior();


    If you no longer have a reference to the instance of the behavior when you want to detach it you can do something like this to detach all behaviors on a DependencyObject:

    foreach (var behavior in Interaction.GetBehaviors(myElement))