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Flask-Restful powered API returning 404 errors

I used Flask-Restful in a project where i also use the Factory pattern to create Flask objects. The problem now is that Flask give me 404 error when i try to reach http://localhost:5000/api/v1/user/ but when i explore (via the debugger) the Flask app object's url_map, my API rule is there. So, if someone ever had the same issue, i'm taking whatever possible solution.

I have the following function creating the API app:

def create_app(settings_override=None):
    Returns the API :class:`Flask` instance.

    :param settings_override: dictionary of settings to override.
    app = factory.create_app(__name__, __path__, settings_override)
    api = Api(app, prefix='/api/v1', catch_all_404s=True)

    # API endpoints connected to the User model.
    api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/user/', endpoint='user')

    return app

The code of UserAPI class (used by Flask-Restful):

class UserAPI(Resource):
    API :class:`Resource` for returning the details of a user.
    This endpoint can be used to verify a user login credentials.
    def get(self):
        return {'hello': 'world'}, 200

    def post(self):

The factory.create_app function:

def create_app(package_name, package_path, settings_override=None):
    Returns an instance of Flask configured with common functionnalities for

    :param package_name: application package name
    :param package_path: application package path
    :param settings_override: a dictionnary of settings to override
    app = Flask(package_name, instance_relative_config=True)

    app.config.from_pyfile('settings.cfg', silent=True)
    if settings_override is not None:


    register_blueprints(app, package_name, package_path)

    return app

Python version 2.7 Flask v. Flask-Restful version


  • After some investigations and some questions on Flask's IRC channel, i found that when using custom domain name, the port number should be set via the SERVER_NAME config variable. So, the issue was not coming from the factory code.

    If you want to access the server via, you set the port, here 5000, in SERVER_NAME as SERVER_NAME =

    This single modification in my settings worked for me :) Thanks !