I'm trying to find an alternative to using REST to read Azure Service Bus Topic Subscriptions from the browser. Seems like SignalR would be a natural for this but I can't seem to find anyone that has done it. I'm not talking about scale-out, just a SignalR Hub that would relay a set of Service Bus functions back and forth to the browser. I'm thinking of functions like, addReceiver(string topic, string subscriptionID);
defineSubscription(string name, string subscriptionRule);
deleteSubscription(string name);
postMessageToTopic(string topic, string message);
addReceiver would initiate an async receive on the subscription. Each time a message came available from Service Bus, a function would be called on the JS client.
Here's some code to point people in the right direction.
namespace SBTester
public class SBHub : Hub
public void AddReceiver(string topic, string subscriptionName, string subscriptionFilter)
string messageData;
TopicConnector.Initialize( topic,
Context.ConnectionId + "." + subscriptionName,
// Initiate receive loop on Service Bus
TopicConnector.SBClient.OnMessage((receivedMessage) =>
// Process the message
messageData = receivedMessage.GetBody<string>();
Clients.Caller.onMessage(topic, messageData);
// Handle any message processing specific exceptions here
public void DefineSubscription(string topic, string subscriptionRule)
// Call Service Bus to create Subscription on the Specified topic
public void PostMessageToTopic(string topic, string message)
// Call Service Bus to send a message
Clients.All.addNewMessageToPage(topic, message);